
What is Advocacy in the PTA?   

Mayde Creek PTA is part of a larger family of PTA.   As such, we have a local council PTA that helps us when we have legal questions or questions about the best way to do something.   This local council is called Katy PTA Council.   All the PTAs in the local area belong to Katy PTA Council and it give us a chance to exchange ideas with other PTAs at our local schools.  Above council, we also belong to Yexas State PTA.   That means our little non-profit has a much bigger voice in Houston when we advocate for school funding, school safety, and other important issues. 


PTA Takes Action 

Washington lawmakers make important decisions that affect the health, welfare, safety, and educational opportunities for every child across the state. Join other Texas State PTA (TSPTA) members and leaders to advocate for all students. As a PTA member you are in a unique position to establish yourself as a credible resource for information dealing with aspects of the whole child. By working collaboratively, we can strengthen our voice to improve the quality of our children’s health, welfare, safety, and education. Texas State PTA continues to work to engage members in raising their voice for every child


 Be Informed! 

Click the link below to add your name to the PTA's Action Network Group.

This will update you to current votes taking place in our Washington State Legislature. 

PTA Action Network Group 


 Get Involved! 

Texas State PTA Legislative Page